Laugh at chilli-willi

Another great post on this insane legal case.

New evidence?
chilli and his legal team are idiots
they think saying; some guy, somewhere said something is testimonial evidence
they think that there is a legal standard that say the world must live on YT time and not the clock on the wall, that somehow a clock in Cali, is more legally relevant then a clock on the wall in an office he was told to get out of, told it was closed and told he would be arrested for trespass….
Lawyers cannot predict the outcome of a trial. I am not a lawyer, so here goes:

chilli-willi and his legal team
Will dream, dream, dream
But wait
Things aren’t what they seem
chilli is a has-been
And no matter how hard he dreams
Never will a court lean
Into his pie of lemon meringue cream

So bounce, bounce, bounce
Watch his appeal flounce
Yet again he is trounced
By real efforts, measured merly in an ounce
This cat failed again to pounce
Better to give up, renounce
End his time waste and denounce
Or more sad news will be announced

So after he files his paperwork, after he spends all his money, the court’s answer will be denied.

Turtle boy is toast

Great place for infor!

Addressing the dispatcher who illegally obtained license plate information for him, Kearney bragged that she was one of dozens of contacts who provided him with “confidential information” in the past.
End quote

Thanks for pleading guilty to the charge of conspiracy. That 10 years in prison for you.

One of his many charges is having conspired with the dispatcher to get home addresses by using people licenses.

This is why any lawyer will tell you first thing, “Shut UP!!!!” But no one tell TB, the more he talks, the easier it is going to be to send him to jail.

Addressing the protection order preventing him from contacting witnesses in the case, Kearney insulted his court appointed attorney, John Reynolds, and pledged that his new defense attorneys would be more aggressive and have the orders removed.
End quote

Is this the magic wand defense or is it the “Nope” defense? There is no judge in the USA who will remove that order. In fact, I would go so far to say, no judge in the world who is under the Common Law heritage would do that. But for TB they might make an exception?

He then spent time attacking Peggy O’Keefe, mother of murder victim John O’Keefe, claiming that she had a horrible life due to “karma.”
End quote

If she is one of the victims of his many charges, he just violated parole. You are not allowed to communicate with any victim, thus publishing a YT video qualifies, same as any other social media post.

He is going to love jail. The other inmates are just going to love his entitled attitude and behavior!

But wait! The FBI will step in and save him… Just like chilli’s court of appeal, appeal, will save him as well…
Won’t happen.

Turtle boy is Turtle soup!

Jim had a Great blog and this is just one of them!

There are two ways this can go if he is found guilty. Sentencing can be concurrent or consecutively.
If he is found guilt on 10 charges and sentenced to 10 years in jail each, he can serve them concurrently for a total of ten years or consecutively for a total of 100 years.
Don’t piss them off…
Too late, the DA looks pissed!

So is there a deal to be made? It is too soon to say. First they want to dig into his computer and if they find evidence of other crimes, then he is a goner. Such as conspiracy or child porn. Then his life is over as a free man.
Next they will offer him a plea deal. but there is no way he walks. He will get a deal but with significant time inside. 10 years? maybe more. But that is better then 200.

Next, lets say they find something that can harm Karen Read. Conspiracy to obstruct justice or conspiracy to tamper with witnesses. They may then turn around and offer him a deal to testify against the rest… That a stretch, If they can link in her brother into this, they would much rather give the brother the deal for providing the quid in this quid pro quo then give the deal to TB and put the brother inside. The brother could get a walk if he did indeed provide the vehicle as payment for harassment provided he flips on his sis and TB

All of this is speculation. The only thing that is evident and clear, right now, is TB is in a world of hurt and listening to him as he defiantly spoke to news reporters yesterday he does not even know how deep in it he fell. But he is going to get some cash, other people’s cash and get right back on that same hobby horse that got him into this mess to start with.

When the ancient Greeks spoke of Hubris, they said Zeus would toss a lightning bolt on your @$$ to teach you a lesson. This is what we are seeing. TB is so far gone into his world of delusion, he is believing his own press releases. He thinks he can beat these charges. He thinks he can keep on doing what he is doing, just like chill, who keeps filling paperwork with the courts to waste people’s time. But yet never manages to get anywhere. Same thing here. TB is about to get crushed by the weight of the state upon his shoulders, and there is nothing he can do. But what is worse, there is nothing he will do, he thinks he is fine to harass as many people he wants and the shield of free speech will save him. Sorry Charlie. It doesn’t and it won’t.

The end of Roe V Wade

Sadly, the US Supreme court struck down Roe V Wade. This was merely the opening round of culture wars!
Next comes gay marriage, then the pill etc. Who knows how far they will go, but in gun rights, they will expand that to the point where everyone is required to be armed, well everyone white, except minorities of course…
In the 1960 tys California. The black panthers would show up armed with all sorts of guns. Legal guns. This would freak out law enforcement, men, black men, militant black men with guns? OMG!!!!!

They passed, Ronald Reagan, (what ever happened to him?) passed some of the harshest laws on gun control that existed in the USA to control and contain… why those same militant black males. Who incidentally either ended up dead or in jail for life. Hmmm I wonder why?

It is perfectly legal to shoot and kill someone in the street but for a women to abort? Death penalty!

You may not have heard but some of the recent bills to laws on abortion? The women who leaves a state for an abortion. She, legally, gets up and leaves the state for any other reason can do so! Well, if that lady leaves for an abortion, she can be declared a fugitive, dragged back and jailed. They had precedent. They did! They have legal precedents that go back hundreds of years no less! These laws was modeled under the Fugitive Slave acts. You know, when they could drag a fellow human being back to a life of torture and servitude, well sort of. Normal punishment for a runner? They would cut off half a foot so they could never run again… or worse. But they had the brilliant idea that this is how best to track down women who might wish to head to a safe state to abort.

To be honest, if you ask, and you have not, but I am not for abortion. I would never suggest to someone to have an abortion. I don’t think it is the right way to go. However, saying this, I would never interfere with a woman’s right to control her own body. As the baby becomes more viable, the interest of the state must be to protect the child. This is why most states, and Roe V Wade, have within them a sliding scale that at the bottom, early pregnancy, near unlimited freedom to abort but as time passes suchs as a late term there are more and more restrictions. Late term abortions are only done for specific reasons depending on the state. And I think this was a reasonable compromise between a women’s right and the states interest. And you know what? It worked. For 50 years it worked

Here in Canada, we have no abortion law. It was struck down and never passed again. In fact, they vote down any effort to renew it. Yet, the hospitals still adhere to the same sort of rules for abortion. Easy to get when detected early and much harder when the fetus becomes viable. But there is no law to say this is what you must do. It is what doctors say should be done based on medical practise and long standing procedures.

That is who should be listened to. Doctors, not old white males looking at their lost youth and seeing the end of their majority rule coming upon them soon in the next generation.

The only question I have is this: At least 4 justices lied to congress when they said Roe V Wade is settled law. Will anyone have the balls to charge and arrest them for perjury?

The End of the Republic

The supreme court draft decision that tosses out precedent, stare decisis, of Roe V Wade begins the constitutional crisis. And nothing less. So who leaked it and why? What was their motivation. What are the implications of the decision, and frankly what should be the response? 

The motivation is easiest to answer, left or right, the leaker wanted it out there for public reaction. Pro or con, the leaker wants people to react to what was written. So which side leaked it? The case can be equally made for both sides. For that matter, Chef Justice John Roberts might have been the one to do that, so he could gather votes to the side of stare decisis and uphold the precedent. No matter how you look at the leaker, the motivation won’t change.

 The implications are a lot more serious. No matter what happens to Roe, this ruling tosses out any hope of holding on to an impartial judicial branch. We just keep bringing cases until we get a court with ideological leanings that tosses out stare decisis. Boom, it’s all gone.

The first case that needs to be tossed under the bus? Marbury v Madison. The case that establishes the court in the first place. The court holds its position as the arbiter of law based on this stare decisis. Without such legal plank to hold the legal ship together, this ship of Theseus will hold no water, and worse, it never did. That is in itself enough to be a crisis in the republic. But it gets worse? 


It has long been a matter of time before all nominees are asked about Roe V Wade and what is their stance is on the matter. It is not just Senator Susan Collins who was burned, but each one of them who testified under oath that Roe was precedent. Roe was stare decisis. What happens when you lie under oath? Perjury? Contempt of Congress. You have five supreme court justices who lied under oath. The very foundation of law is based on truthful testimony. If the supremes’ can lie whenever they want to, why cannot everyone lie? 

This judgement is the end of the supreme court, and the end of the system of justice. If it is affirmed on the record, it is the end of the Republic, for what republic can stand without a legal framework to hold it up.

Ottawa On Twitter

Ottawa police made an annoucement about getting a lot of calls over the occupation. So I replied and got the following conversation!

Ottawa Police@OttawaPolice·Feb 19

We know the events in #Ottawa are upsetting. Still, we’re asking people to stop calling critical emergency and operational phone lines to express displeasure about the police action to remove an unlawful assembly downtown.

Poet Of Truth·Feb 20
Its called a call flood
Its an harassment tactic designed to flood you with calls
Take names and numbers and if they do it often, issue arrest warrants for their illegal actions.

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Yea, seize their bank accounts too, lol.



Poet Of Truth·Feb 20

And sue the Go fund things that raised the cash for all that cash. Make it cost them real money
Fine them as well for all convicted crimes.
Jail time is martyr time
Fined time is the right kind

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Do you really want this to go before the WTO?

You’re in violation of several treaties. The financial damage to Canada is going to be insurmountable if you escalate this, if it’s not already.

Poet Of Truth

World Trade Organization?…

Several treaties?
Name them

Financial damage?
To the occupier, it will be insurmountable for them

Escalate this? To whom? The council of 9 truckers?
The GG and the Senate?
To whom can they escalate this too?
Oh no not Q!

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Severe breach of fiduciary duty.

You’re injuring 3 separate parties by embezzling funds.

Poet Of Truth

Are you just googling those words?

First it was WTO then it was treaties, now Fiduciary duties?
An adult has a Fiduciary duties to handle the affairs of small children

Thus you are correct, the occupiers are all small children needing adult supervision

Good point!

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Any counter claim you might have is invalidated due to the fact that you suspended DUE PROCESS.

You don’t realize how serious this is, do you?

Poet Of Truth

Your law degrees from YouTube university only works on YouTube
You are not a budding Clarence Darrow.
Sorry, (not sorry) you are incorrect
No need for a counter claim where there is no claim to begin with
No violation of due process
Not serious at all
Worthy only of Mockery

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Exactly the kind of answer you’d expect from a #failedstate

Poet Of Truth

since you lack facts, lack knowledge, use intimidation and frankly Dunning-Kruger effect is clearly at work in your tweets
Don’t worry I am sure your cognitive dissonance will soon find a way to declare yourself the winner.
No matter what everyone else can read.

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

We’re already in the process of recovering funds and assessing damages.

Poet Of Truth

Sure you are
Just like you toppled the government, made any dent in public opinion or changed anyone’s mind towards your cult
Your leaders are in jail
Your money is frozen
Your occupation is finished
But in your mind you are winning
Let me know when you are tired of winning

Some Convoy Sov Cit wannabe

Keep talking 😂😂

Poet Of Truth

Yes because someone with an open mind might be reading. So they will know just what garbage you’re trying to push either cause you’re too indoctrinated into a cult to know the difference or too corrupt. I would say the former, you recite the same tired old script to know any better

Convoy of Doom? Or Dopes?

Trucker convoy Descends on Ottawa!

This is Canada, not the USA! The first stunt they pull, they will get an 800 dollar ticket for “Stunting” and they impound the vehicle.
Want to see how long their block aid will last as they tow away the trucks?

Next this group is not made up of 90% of the pop, it is like 3%, a very tiny minority. So when they upset the regular folks, the police will have to act.

The biggest killer of cops?
The year 2021 was a year where so many cops died from…
So the ones who are left will have little to no sympathy for these rednecks.

Like most extreme protests it will be covered as big news, but they don’t have the backing of the population and the politicians who are there are People part of Canada or Conservative reform alliance party
they are playing to the base
If anything this protest will backfire on them all and drive people to the liberals for fear of being anywhere near these idiots.

Remember the first rule of Canadians politics, we are a small, silly little country.
This protest is how large? Millions? Not
A few trucks and a few thousand people. That is it!

But it gets eyes to watch news and see commercials
It has the former guy posting he thinks it is genius… that alone is enough to stop and drive back home

Lastly, keep this in mind. We at CPC deal with the feds, but the vast majority of people deal with provincial regulations and mandates
The fed have so very few
Now, if you are an idiot, or Jason Kenny, PM of Alberta you hold a news conference to support the truckers. Only to be asked if he approved the Fed dropping their mandates, why has he not dropped all of his?
Because he is holding his medical system together by duct tape and prayer.
It is a testament to the strength of doctors and nurses that we have health care at all. Kenny and Legault and all premiers know just how close they are to the wall
This stunt has raised a few dollars, but only a few. 4 million this morning? A little more?
Out of 38 million people
less than 1 in 10 Canadians parted with a dollar…. WOOOO big war chest

But news media sell the sizzle not the steak

Okay so I looked
I checked
I searched
What am I not seeing?
I saw one picture of a crowd of people in the ground.
No pictures of the convoy
No picture of all those screaming trucks
no mention of numbers.

Why not?
There should be MILLIONS of people, thousands of trucks.

So shout it out brother and sisters scream those numbers out

But newscast after newscast and I watched all the big three, CTV, CBC and Global and strange, not one mentioned how many. Not one showed them haul down the highway.

Not one.
Why is that?

Because they are so small, the media is afraid they would lose credibility if they mentioned the numbers of trucks and people, hoping instead for a much larger number on Saturday, to make their reporting seem justified.

The emperor has no clothes.
Despite the news media lying and laying fancy robes of gossamer thread and ethereal cloth.

“Current accounts say the convoy is over 70 km long, and may comprise around 50,000 trucks. It may break the world record for longest convoy ever assembled, the source of these stats is the event organizer,
It’ll be hard to impound and ticket 50,000 semis crowding into Ottawa.”

A semi is 72 feet (21.95 m) long
70 Km is 229658.8 feet (ca. 70 km) or 921 jumbo jets
simple math 3,190 semis in that length

Mind you 3200 trucks is a lot, but it is nowhere near 50 000 trucks

Remember what I said about credibility?
Mainstream won’t even try?
Yes, so you have Rebel media. Who have no credibility to lose or worry about!

Canadian Truck Protest Set to Become the Longest in History
The truckers on their way to Ottawa for an anti-mandate protest on Saturday may well be the longest truck convoy in history. Will it matter to the Stalinists in charge of their government? According to Guinness World Records, the longest truck convoy ever recorded was 7.5 km long, in Egypt in 2020. The Toronto Sun […]

“The largest parade of trucks consisted of 480 trucks and is achieved by Tahya Misr Fund (Egypt), in Cairo, Egypt, on 20 November 2020,” Guinness says on its website. “With a length of 7.5 km, Tahya Misr Fund was able to organize a parade of 480 trucks, amid the harsh weather and heavy rain, breaking the Guinness World Records title for the largest parade of trucks, which was achieved 16 years ago in the Netherlands with a parade size of 416 trucks.”

So, by their own logic, 10 times the world’s largest would hold 4800 call it 5000 trucks, yet they claim 50 000 trucks?
5000 is a far cry from 50 000?
Based on this math the convoy would stretch not 70 KM but 700 km.

There are an estimated 2 million trucks in the USA
Canada usually has about 10% of that number or 200 000

So they are claiming that 1 in 4 of all trailers will arrive in Ottawa?
25% when the unvaccinated makeup less than 10%
Normal motivation is around 1% of any given population. So this protest is carrying 25 times their weight in real numbers?

I am so impressed!
The convoy is total Bull…

One last point to ponder. In the spacing above, I was only putting in parked trucks, not driving trucks. Whereby, a separation would need to be anywhere from 6 to 10 time the length of a truck to avoid tailgating.
So, those 5000 truck that might fit in 70 km nose to nose is even smaller driving so 1/5 or maybe 1000 trucks. I can see a thousand crazy people driving to Ottawa, but I won’t mistake that for the harbinger of doom: The door knock of the apocalypse: or even the return of the revenant. It’s January and there is no real news to report. This sounds scary. Fearful people watch TV longer leading into sweeps month in February!


Yes i know I am anal…
So they said 50 000 trucks
I did some math… Never leaving my chair.Just numbers…
Just me and my numbers and oh yes, reality on my side…  
Care to take a guess at those 50 000 trucks how many showed up?
Who is closer? their 50 000 to my 1 000 hmmm

Live updates: Trucker convoy protest in OttawaThe ‘freedom convoy’ of truckers and their supporters are protesting COVID-19 vaccine mandates on Parliament Hill on Saturday. Follow along for live updates from our reporters on the ground in

10:45 a.m. EST

CTV News Ottawa’s Natalie van Rooy spoke with Antrim Truck Stop owner Tom Orr this morning on the convoy coming from Arnprior. Orr estimates there are more than 700 vehicles in total that have begun to leave for Parliament Hill.

Even I​ over estimated their numbers by 300.

1000 to 700 is close.

50 000 to 700 is easily not even in the same planet.

I know, I should be just humble but…

When you are good, you are good!


When you are right, you are right

And I was both good and right!

Covid Testing Center

The covid testing center was terrifying to say the least.
I arrived to find three security guards outside, one on the door and one to hand out masks. Once inside there was yet another guard. They do not have that many guards for their health. Inside, they have signs not to use your cell phone. Why? So, you cannot secretly photograph the place to plan an attack. You don’t pay that many guards to stand around looking pretty. You pay them for protection and security. From whom? Antivaxxers? Anti-Maskers? Nut cases in general.
It is not enough that you see many nurses, mostly female, standing there to take your test to help protect you. This alone is super dangerous. Yet they do it. Risk their lives to fight an epidemic, and now they have to risk their lives in case the local nut cases come to attack them? It is overwhelming to see the security on what should be a scary medical issue, not a scary armed standoff.
I know, they are merely preparing for the worst. The fact that there is something worse than getting covid is, in itself, insane.
During the assault on the American capital, the young people, the interns and newly hired showed the older people where to hide and how to hide. They basically took care of their bosses to prevent tragedy. How did they know what to do or where to go? They have lived through the school shooting era. They learned the drills in class on what to do with an active shooter. Now, we have to teach this to nurses who are trying to save lives. This is truly insane.

Dr. Saqib Shahab and the protest outside his home.

Mr. Premier, Scott Moe

Can we not agree that idiots who protested in front of the home of Dr. Saqib Shahab are, wishful thinking, imports from the dysfunctional USA?

Can we not agree that doctors and scientist working to save lives, and by now with all the dead around us, that is what they are doing, fighting a losing battle, saving as many fellow Canadian’s lives, as humanly possible, that those men and women are working on our behalf and should be treated as a Banksy’s superheroes?

Can we not have the decency as a community, as a society as a province, to protect the chief medical officer whose only crime was to have done his job trying his best to save as many lives as he can?
Clearly, yesterday’s events have shown we cannot do any of these things. That is the sad reality that we live in. We are fighting two pandemics, one is Covid 19, the other is nasty, brutish, stupidity, such that we have not seen the likes of in generations. That has come from the roots of ignorance, hatred, stupidity and more. That we cannot endure if we are to battle this disease to the finish line.

The Barbarians who stormed the American Capitol, who spirit is seen in the Qanon conspiracy, (all in clear need of mental health care), the anti-mask, anti-lockdown, anti-anything, that might help save our lives, arrived in Saskatchewan yesterday. It has been here a long time, true be told but afraid to rear its ugly head. This cracker’s Kraken must be meet by an even greater response, police, prosecution and deterrence that protect our doctors, our scientists and out government.

It is not enough to shame them; they have no shame. It is not enough to expose them; they have no vested interest in the community. These people exist on the fringe with no connection to the people. They think they are on a mission from some deity known only to them, understood only by them and followed only by a small minority of fanatical followers.

The response, our response, the people’s response to this must be loud and clear so that there is no mistaken gesture of sympathy, there is no support and there will be no quarter given to them for this.

Mr. Premiere protect our doctors.

Mr. Premiere protect our scientist.

Mr. Premiere protect us from the spread of this disease; from the spread of both diseases, covid 19 and stupidity.

Thank you.

Covid 19 Update

The fact is this is serious, it really is but not in the way people think. The virus is basically a flu bug. We have all had it. And that is the reason why this one is different. no one has had it before. Every year we lose about 0.1% to complications of the flu. That is a lot of people. 6K in canada. So far we have lost >1500 people to covid. So the social distancing etc is working. It is acting like herd immunity until we have herd immunity but a vaccine or such.
Right now we have 77 000 beds across canada. 90% are used for normal things like accidents, heart attacks, broken legs  etc, so that leave us with 10 000 beds, maybe? So when that number is reached, too many people in intensive care, sick with covid, when that number  goes up too far we get collateral damage. People with normal injuries that normally, with treatment, can be save; won’t get because we will have no medical professionals to treat them.
So when you get Covid, and like all of us, you will. 50% will show no symptoms. Nothing. Your body just gets it and the antibodies destroy it before it can grow. this is scary too. You are walking around not even feeling sick and you are spreading this disease to people all around you (without social distancing) 20% get a bad night, fever but gone the next day. 20% get a bad 2 weeks,  like a really bad cold and we have all had one of thoses in our lives.. Then it is gone too.  The last 10% is where the system is hurt. They may require medical assistance. 5% just need drugs and such like IV fluids. 3% need O^2 and more intensive care and the last 2% need ventilators and anywhere from 1/3 tp 1/2 won’t make.
So heck, it is just 2% so who cares right? And people who think that are fucking nuts. That is 2% of all Canadians. There are 38 million of us.  2% is …. 760K all sick at once. or 10 x the number of beds we have for all of Canada. All needing ventilators.
We have before the crisis in North America about 100K ventilators. 90% of them were in use for other illnesses. that left 10K… or 1 for every 76 person who needs them. Oh yes, did you note I wrote North America? Yes, that us and all of the ventilators in the USA too. Think they will give them up? This is why we need to slow the process down. this is why we social distance to protect everyone else.
If you are like me, I don’t care if i get this! In fact, i assume i had it in February before they even tested. “You have the flu rest, fluids and aspirins.” I was told. No one was testing, no one was worried. Now i would get two weeks vacation paid at 100%. But in order to protect others, i wear that fish bowl at work. Even if i do not worry for myself or my family.
So wear your gear, stupid as it looks, you will get used to it over the next year or two. Yes I said year or two, We expect there is going to be more waves in Fall and flu season in January. A vaccine is going to be hard to make, not because it is hard to isolate the antibodies, It is not. The problem is you also need to protect the lungs as well as the blood. You breath the infection in to your lungs and you can still get very sick and worse without protecting the lungs you could still be coughing it up.
Second the myth of testing. All we need to do is test 100K-100 million people. Simple right? Except… not enough chemicals to make the test for the antibodies or the virus. We can make more. A small bit, but not nearly the amount we need to taste right now not in some uncertain future.
Its like this, you call the cops, first car is there in minutes. More cars arrive with more help arriving  in tens of minutes by an hour you have overwhelming support. Hundreds of cops, firemen and medical personnel are on scene. Just takes time. Same thing here.  We are at the first stage of the problem. Help is on the way
Start preparing for the next wave. By then you should have wipes, masks, shields and gloves so we are old hand at this. Social distancing is not going away, not for a long time.
Quebec was cocky, they had the supplies on hand, ready to go forward with pride. They had a years worth of normal use in gloves, gowns and masks. They were ready…. opps. normal rates were used up 12 times faster then normal. That year’s supply was gone in a month. Just gone. So we are in unknown territory.
Singapore and Japan saw their curve gone. Its all over folks return to normal life…  3 weeks later? They were closing hospitals because the virus came back and hammered them both. Re-opening is not going to be fast, it won’t b e easy and it will take months.
Basically, this is the new normal until we have a vaccine. Then and only then, do we return to normal… and by then what significant portion will be anti vaxxers? Add to that, every year you get cold and flu? Why? because it evolves. This virus will evolve and then we are all, once again, back to the same boat sort of. The good news is that our antibodies will evolve fairly fast cause we have the basic outline to evolve to and we will have heard immunity. With any given flu that we have 40-70% of the population will get it. In this case, 50% wont get sick just be carriers of the virus says we have a mild flu if it was a flu with herd immunity. Without herd immunity…
So okay, we are going to survive this. It is only a matter of time. We wear mask (what a stupid idea.) shields and gloves to protect each other. We social distance and we let time and medical science do their work, to give the system enough time to cope.
In England, a nurse reported to me that she is not a nurse but a funeral director. Calling in ambulance after ambulance to cart away the dead. A very unfunny Monty Python skit of “Bring out your dead”. Only the people most dying are the old. Roughly 50% of the dead in Quebec are from Old Folks Homes.
Be safe.
Social distance
And just hold on tight, this is not over for a long while.
But we will make it to the other side.